Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bella is Born!!! May 11th, 2010

So I have totally slacked in the blogging departement, but it has been for good reason. My baby Bella was born on May 11th @ 10:08 pm. She weighed in at 8lb 11oz and 21 inches. She is my precious angel and I have been cherishing every second I have with her on this maternity leave.

Here is a shot of Wade and I 4 days before I delivered. This is the suprise party I planned and threw for brother Brad's 30th birthday. I for sure thought I was going to pop at his party. I mean seriously I look like I have a torpedo shooting out of my belly!

This was the shot taken right when we got there...oh I was so excited and anxious!!!!

And here we are at the hospital getting ready to start pushing. The whole process was so much quicker than with Lizzie. 8 hours.....not bad, nevermind the puking while pushing, but apparently that helps the baby come out quicker....everytime I puked she came out a little more :)

And she is here....love that precious littles so much!!!
Daddy hanging out with his newest little girl...Bella Nicole
A proud mommy and daddy!!

There she is weighing in at 8lb 11oz.
I can't wait to watch you grow little Bella...you are my precious angel and I love you so very much!! We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

1 comment:

Four Fit Sisters said...

So cute Erin!!! PUKING while pushing? You are a trooper!! Can't wait to meet her!