Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Sunday

Well I can safely say that it is 10:10 am in St. Charles and I am still in PJ's!   It happens about every few months, but it is soooo rare that I have nothing going on and the hubs is watching Grace play basketball in Jeff City so that leaves the Bells and I alone for the weekend (Lizzie is with Daddy for the weekend.

I heart these days big time...and I have Bella napping soundly this morning so I can catch up on a few blogs, drink my coffee and wait for the next round of laundry to be done.   I try and have everything all caught up before the rush of all 4 kids hit us on Mondays.   Mondays are the days when we get all 4 all week (Ava and Grace are on the schedule of week with Dad and then week with Mom)  

So Bella and I have been enjoying a quiet morning is a great upclose shot of a determined little girl to get her Apples & Cherries.   Look at those baby blues!!  Although this little one looks absolutly nothing like me I love that I get to have a little blonde hair blue eye baby....I really never thought that was possible with all my dark hair and dark eye genes :)

My favorite Civey family chalkboard with my new favorite....

And what I am waiting on....dough to thaw a little so I can get started on 2 dozen shamrock cookies to ship to FL on Tuesday....

P.S. - I just switched out the laundry and realized I forgot to put the dang laundry soap in there...WOW!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Random Week

So this week has been pretty uneventful at the house....sickness has been down, I actually made it through a whole week of work without being called out due to ear aches, soar throats, strep, etc.  It was  the longest week ever by the way!!!  

Here are some cute shots of Lizzie and Bella playing around in the kitchen

It was the cutest thing...Lizzie was running around the house pushing Bella in the laundry basket.  Oh how I remember doing these types of things with my's amazing how the little things can be so fun and there is no expense with a certain toy or anything.  

Here is my pumpkin playing with Mommy's work bag.  She loves this darn thing and her bag for can keep her occupied forever!!   She is standing up like crazy on anything she can get her hands on...not walking yet, but I don't think it is far behind.

Oh I stand corrected, we were back at my favorite place..(not really) Dr Hoffman's office for Lizzie on Thursday just for a follow up on her double ear infection from the week before.   All clear...she was golden and she was acting like it for sure.  Spazzing out big time with was like she downed a can of mountain dew (you can tell my her little devil grin in the photo above)

Oh yeah we did have a huge week....on the days it was nice, Lizzie has dropped the training wheels.  She is doing great!!  Still runs into cars that are parked on the side of the road but we are making progress!!

I have been baking like crazy this whole month!!  Figured that I have made over 500 cookies in the past month.  All great!!!   Lizzie Jean's Cookies Blog

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Love you all!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bella has her 1st Tooth!!!

Little Miss Bella Nicole has cut her first tooth!!   As I was feeding her yesterday I was trying to get a picture of that little white thing that popped through, however that was literally we will have to settle on a few pics of her messy face :)  I am also loving her crazy hair!!   It is so funny, daycare put her hair in piggys on Friday and as soon as I took it out, it just stayed like little hair horns!  

 I tried to get a shot, but don't think it really came through...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ava's Turn for some basketball

Lately it has been all about Grace and some basketball...but Ava is actually playing right now too.  This is her first year playing with the YMCA and she is loving it!   She is a monster when it comes to being agressive.   Since this is their first year they play against boys too..but that sure doesn't stop her!!

Bella on the way home from the game....all smiles.  Her first tooth came through today!!!   Suprisingly it has not been that bad.   :)  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bella's 9 Month Checkup

All is good with Miss Bella..she is finally on a streak now of a couple weeks with no snotty nose, no cough, no fever.   Keeping my fingers crossed that she is on a sickless streak!!   We had our 9 month checkup with her doctor and I just love taking shots while we are waiting on him to come visit us.  I love her naked little belly!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day 2011

My favorite thing in my  entire family chalk board that hangs in my kitchen...I love it and the girls love seeing what new things appear on here throughout the week....

Love the flowers my Dad sent me....he is so sweet...sends me the most gorgeous flowers on each Valentine's Day to my work.   Love him!!!

One of my little Valentine's....

The evening was spent with one of our favorites...KFC (Ava had bball practice) so we ate a little later followed up with a Icecream Sunday bar...the girls loved creating their own. 
Aunt Joanne suprised us by dropping off some wonderful little gifts for the girls at daycare, which the balloons were the biggest hit with Lizzie.  She felt so proud walking out with her big package of 4 balloons.  
We ate our yummy chicken and opened all the great cards that we had gotten from mimi/pawpaw, aunt jerry/uncle charlie, aunt joanne & mommy (Erin) and Daddy (Wade)

What a great Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Father/Daughter Dance

This past Friday Lizzie and her daddy went to their very first Father/Daughter Dance at her school.   It was 7-9 and she was so excited all day long!!!  Here are few pics of the big night!!   It was so cute..she had her 1st up do...with a special french twist and trendy spikes in the back...along with a super cute black dress topped off with the most stylish polka dot tights...b/c who doesn't love a good polka dot tights!

They went out to dinner first on a date at one of her favorite local places...Loco's, then off to the dance.   She called afterwards and said she danced like crazy and it was the most fun ever.  

My Friday SUNSHINE....Bella is 9 Months!!!

Oh how I love this face...I mean seriously that can make any bad day just go right out the window!!
Today she is 9 Months Old!!

ME time...It's heavenly!

So I just discovered this new thing about a week ago.....
My house has always been a circus in the morning and I could never understand why I was in bad moods each morning.   It could have been a result of one of the girls not cooperating about which outfit they wanted to wear, or maybe one of them just didn't want to get up in a timely manner. 
I mean with 4 kids having to get up and out the door by a certain time, not to mention get myself ready and loaded for's enough to get yourself pretty worked up, and I certainly did if things did not go a certain way.

Well about 2 weeks ago, Bella woke up about 4am for a bottle and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up, made a pot of coffee, cleaned up around the house and sat down and had some ME time....caught up on my favorite blogs and just did things I like to do...and wasn't RUSHED!

It was amazing the kind of mood I was in that morning...just purely relaxed!  
So I started a new thing...ME time each morning.  No I don't wake up at 4am, but my alarm does go off at 5am and I have 1 hour to do all me stuff :)  Whether it is me relaxing and surfing the web with a cup of coffee, or whether it is me straightening the house, or packaging cookies that need to be delivered that is just me time!  No one else is up and its just me.  

Why I didn't think of this before I have no clue!!!
Happy Friday@

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Busy Weekend ended with some Lizzie sickness

This weekend was a busy one at the Civey Household...we had Basketball Friday and Saturday with Grace at the City Tourney..and guess what they took 1st place!!!  So now they are heading to state in Jeff City in a couple weeks.  Oh she was so excited!  I so remember those days of winning big tournaments, that was just so much fun and at the time nothing got better than those particular moments!!

We all headed out and watched her first game, but apparently little Miss Bella just isnt into the bleachers and games running behind and all that fun that was the only one she attended all day.   Naps were needed to be had, b/c the Lutheran High bleachers just aren't that comfortable for napping!! :)

Wade left for Florda for a golfing trip with some buddies on Sunday morning early and while I was downstairs having my coffee before the other girls woke up, I heard little Miss Lizzie upstairs puking in her bed.  NOTHING better than a Sunday morning vomiting all over her bed!  Ugh I hate that smell...I was gagging as I was cleaning it all up...meanwhile Wade was boarding the plane :)

So here are so fun shots of our Sunday after we got back home from delivering some Superbowl Cookies across town.   Didnt get to partake in any of those parties b/c of Lizzie's stomach bug. :(

 Absolutly love the little sleepers that have the little animals on the butt!!  Too cute!!!
 My poor little angel sick as a dog..good thing it only lasted 24 hours....