Friday, February 11, 2011

ME time...It's heavenly!

So I just discovered this new thing about a week ago.....
My house has always been a circus in the morning and I could never understand why I was in bad moods each morning.   It could have been a result of one of the girls not cooperating about which outfit they wanted to wear, or maybe one of them just didn't want to get up in a timely manner. 
I mean with 4 kids having to get up and out the door by a certain time, not to mention get myself ready and loaded for's enough to get yourself pretty worked up, and I certainly did if things did not go a certain way.

Well about 2 weeks ago, Bella woke up about 4am for a bottle and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up, made a pot of coffee, cleaned up around the house and sat down and had some ME time....caught up on my favorite blogs and just did things I like to do...and wasn't RUSHED!

It was amazing the kind of mood I was in that morning...just purely relaxed!  
So I started a new thing...ME time each morning.  No I don't wake up at 4am, but my alarm does go off at 5am and I have 1 hour to do all me stuff :)  Whether it is me relaxing and surfing the web with a cup of coffee, or whether it is me straightening the house, or packaging cookies that need to be delivered that is just me time!  No one else is up and its just me.  

Why I didn't think of this before I have no clue!!!
Happy Friday@

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