Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Saturday with my girls

After the tornados have ripped through St. Louis I truly can not believe the devastation in some areas and how we were so lucky to have literally missed it by a few miles.   I mean the airport is so close to us...the planes actually fly over us (low) to land everyday! I have to see what it is that we can do to help....some people truly lost everything as their houses were flattened.  Very blessed on this day.

In between baking and storms....we took a little walk to get the mail and stopped off at the great park here in New Town.   Bella loves the swings!!

And here Lizzie is dying some easter eggs....

This year she was a little more detailed...she spent the time to write each girls name on each egg, make sure the egg was just the right color and then put stickers on each egg.
Let's hope the Easter Bunny picks some good hiding spots!!

BTW: I love the new app I found from a couple friends that I saw on is a free app on my iphone and I love it!!  I love how it has so many options of filters for the pictures...

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