Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The hardest thing of being a mom.....

I have discovered the hardest thing to do is to leave my little girls as I have to head off to work each day...dropping them off around 7:30 each day and not being able to pick them up until 5ish...I mean it is torture.   I was better with Lizzie than I am dealing with Bella for some strange reason.  Maybe b/c I am not as busy at work these days so it really makes it so hard to leave her. 

It hit me hard today when I was waving bye to my little 9 month old thru the window at her Daycare..which by the way I love, but when she waved at me and smiled then put her head down on Miss Laura's shoulder, ohhh it got to a tear jerking as I type this in.   I mean why can't I just think of something to do that would bring in just enough money to be able to share every day with her.  I just don't get it!  And I know times would be tough (as they are already) but why does this world have to be so damn expensive that a mom can't take a few flipping years and raise her children without worrying that they will go into bankruptcy.

Sorry I am just fed up today...must be my hormones running rampid or something.  

I mean really they just grow up so fast....I hate it!   I know that daycare is great and the social interaction thing is so wonderful.  I just wish in my life I could be there more for them.  It truly is the hardest thing....

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