Thursday, March 31, 2011

End of March...on to April

It was a crazy busy week last week as I prepared for Wade's 44th birthday celebration.   Every other year we like to do something a little more special...go that extra step, well this year I did for sure.   I planned a surprise party for him on Friday the 1st his actual birthday.   All week I was trying to be as sneaky as possible and finish up all the last minute details.   It was at Q's on Main Street and it was great!!  So great that I forgot to take pictures of anything!!  I mean are you kidding me..I always have my camera on my hip!   So mad as I was so impressed with my dessert table I put together.   I had a huge wooden W that I covered with actually was standing upright!  I was going for the TLC's DC Cupcake effect!  Anyway he was so surprised and it was a great night!   Hopefully I can find someone that took some pictures so I can post something....

Lizzie had a great week too!    As I went to pick her up on Tuesday or Wed last week (can't remember which day) this smiling face came walking out to the car....

She had that little white thing around her neck...wearing it so proudly as she had gotten the "Good Student Award" for the day!!!

She also won an award at school!!!   Each quarter they pick out 5 students in each class that represent P.R.I.D.E ~ She got the D for Determination

She also started her softball!!  Wow what a year makes!!!  She did great!!

Need to get my butt back on the game for with blogging...totally slacking!!

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