SIU hosted a 60th Softball Alumni Reunion this past weekend and it was such a blast!!! All my besties from college made the trip and we picked up as if we were never apart. God I laugh so much with all those girls it is crazy!!! I didn't take too many pics on my own, waiting to get some of the others that I can post for everyone to see :)

Here is a pic of a few of the girls and my preggo self standing in front of the amazing softball stadium that was built 1 or 2 years after I left....shouldn't compain too much after talking with all the women that played in the 60's! We had it pretty darn good :)
Lizzie had practice outstide on Sunday when I got home and I managed to get a few shots of her warming up with Daddy before practice and before my camera died!!!
This is my favorite...she is really into hula hooping...and she is quite good at it the way she shaking her hips all over the place!! Too funny!!!
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