Today Bella you are 5 months old.. you are the happiest baby ever! Here are a few shots of you my lovely little lady

Here are some of the little things you love at this point in your life :)
- your activity center (you love the giraffe on that thing!)
- Looking at your sisters (you smile immediatly and laugh all day!!)
- You don't sleep yet through the night, oh how I would love it if you would, but you just don't
- You roll over during the night and it is the cutest thing to come in and check on you and see
your little butt in the air :)
- You look so much like your daddy, is almost scary!!
- You have so much fun with your new friends at Little Guppy, Emma, Cullen & all your teachers

So blessed to have you lighting up our life each and every day!
We love you so much Bella!!
Love Mommy