What a great Christmas Eve...it snowed all day and night, so we were lucky enough to wake up to a WHITE CHRISTMAS!! Nothing better if you ask me...now if you ask my mom, she highly disagrees, as her days in Naples have made her not a fan of cold weather at all. But I did hear her mention that she thought it was "Pretty" But I LOVE LOVE it!!! The girls asked for all sorts of things this year, Grace is getting older and her stuff isn't as much "fun" to open as this year she asked for a lot of clothes..and that is what she got! Lots of Under Armor, new sports bag for basketball, anything Aeropastle, etx. I certainly remember those days of transitioning from getting toys to the boring clothes and gift cards gifts...but that's the breaks of getting older. Now I love getting new clothes and gift cards are my faves...b/c these days I never get to buy anything for myself!!!

Nothing is more pretty than the tree all sparkled up with presents from Santa under the tree. It is my favorite shot of this Christmas!
Oh how excited Lizzie was and Bella was just super excited to play with the bows and wrapping paper :)
Lizzie with her most favorite gift of the year...Pillow Pet - Bumble Bee. Oh Santa scored big with this one!!
Opening a few of Bella's gifts...like I mentioned earlier, she was all about the BOWS and paper!!
And another great present from 2010...a NEW bike! Still need to learn how to ride it with no training wheels, but that is what the hard floor in the basement is for in Winter