Friday, January 25, 2013

Landry is 1 week old!!

It's been a great first week little guy!! You are such a chill baby and really sleep a ton :). Besides the first night of allowing mommy to get 2 hrs of sleep total, you have totally made up for it.
Each night since you have slept a good 3-4 hour intervals which is all I can ask for at this point. You actually were not letting me get that much sleep while you were in my belly :).
The girls absolutely love you and want to hold you as much as possible. Bella was a little "uninterested" at first but now is smitten by you :). She calls you "Baby"

It has been a wonderful first did give mommy a little scare when we had to go to the lab 3 days in a row for your jaundice levels. The poor women in that lab just hated when I walked in bc they knew you were just going to be screaming straight for 10 minutes while they drew your blood. But on Thursday we got good news that your levels had dropped to normal levels and no more blood work was needed. I wasn't sure I could take you back again for another round of testing. It was so hard to see you in such pain. I can't imagine being a parent if a child that has to do those types of tests often for other sicknesses. Makes me truly count my blessings everytime I look at each one of my healthy children :)

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