Well this weekend the girls were lucky enough to have a 4 day weekend because of al the snow that dumped on us on Wednesday night. We ended up with 11 inches in total and it is snowing again...think we are supposed to get another round of 3 inches or so today/tonight! I personally love the snow!!!
What I hate is when the girls beg to go outside at 9am and by 9:15 they are already back inside b/c it is too cold. Man...I remember being outside for way longer than that..but we had good hills to sled down and New Town is nothing but flat. Not good for sledding at all! But then all the wet clothes get piled up in front of door. But they have a blast!!
I mean look at this snow!! We haven't had this much snow in forever!! |
While all the big girls played outside Bella and I hung out inside in our jammies...love those kind of days!!
On Friday afternoon Wade, Grace and Ava headed off to Jeff City for Grace's first basketball tourney on the road...she was so excited and I think Ava was way more excited just to be going to stay in a hotel. You would have thought that the 2 of them had never traveled before...but I do remember how fun it was to travel for softball, so of couse I understood. She had 1 game on Friday night and 2 games on Saturday....although Bella, Lizzie and I stayed behind b/c personally Bella in the gym all day with crazy basketball games going on = NO FUN! But we got updates on all games and very excited to announce....
Grace's Eagles took 1st place...won all three games!! So she got a medal and was super excited!!! |
Lizzie, Bella and I stayed busy on Friday night w/ ordering Pizza and just hanging out ....love lazy weekends!
A great picture of these two!! Love sisters!! |
My little piglet trying to feed herself by taking the bowl on herself :) |
And on Saturday we went off to run some errands and over to my dear friend's Tracy's little boy's Logan's 1st Birthday party....was lucky enough to make his #1 cookies and some fun cupcakes (forgot to take pictures)
Drying before getting wrapped and ribboned..she had the cutest theme!! |
Lizzie keeping Bella busy while Mommy finishes getting ready |
And Bella sitting in her most favorite spot while Mommy gets ready...it's amazing what we can find in my drawer to keep her busy while I blow dry my hair :) |