Friday, January 22, 2010

My New Blog!!!

Well this is my first shot of blogging....I have been stalking so many here lately and everyone has so many intersting things to say. I of course feel like I have nothing important to say but at least this can help me document my fun life of soon to be 4 girls and a husband with a boy dog :)

It is the end of the week and boy it has been a long one....all of these hormones that are kicking in are just crazy and I honestly feel like I have been taken over by the exercist at some point throughout the week....Wade and the girls must think I have lost my mind entirely. But oh well crazy hormones are part of the game. I am currently 23 weeks and progressing nicely.

But hopefully this is a great way for all the grandparents, friends and family to keep up with our busy lives. I hope that this will one day be exciting for my little ones to look back on and see how many fun times we all had!!

1 comment:

Save the Date for Cupcakes said...

So happy the topiary turned out good! If you have any pictures of it, send it my way~ I would love to see! Congrats on the new baby~ love belly shots;o)
