Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Busy Weekend ended with some Lizzie sickness

This weekend was a busy one at the Civey Household...we had Basketball Friday and Saturday with Grace at the City Tourney..and guess what they took 1st place!!!  So now they are heading to state in Jeff City in a couple weeks.  Oh she was so excited!  I so remember those days of winning big tournaments, that was just so much fun and at the time nothing got better than those particular moments!!

We all headed out and watched her first game, but apparently little Miss Bella just isnt into the bleachers and games running behind and all that fun that was the only one she attended all day.   Naps were needed to be had, b/c the Lutheran High bleachers just aren't that comfortable for napping!! :)

Wade left for Florda for a golfing trip with some buddies on Sunday morning early and while I was downstairs having my coffee before the other girls woke up, I heard little Miss Lizzie upstairs puking in her bed.  NOTHING better than a Sunday morning vomiting all over her bed!  Ugh I hate that smell...I was gagging as I was cleaning it all up...meanwhile Wade was boarding the plane :)

So here are so fun shots of our Sunday after we got back home from delivering some Superbowl Cookies across town.   Didnt get to partake in any of those parties b/c of Lizzie's stomach bug. :(

 Absolutly love the little sleepers that have the little animals on the butt!!  Too cute!!!
 My poor little angel sick as a dog..good thing it only lasted 24 hours....

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